Design & Development Principles

What is this post? What I'll attempt to lay out here has been said with eloquence that I'll never be able to approach; detailed in ways I will never come up with; and I assume by people who've forgotten more about good software development…

Android Logger Refactor - Final Refactor

It has been a while since I've worked on refactoring the FyzLog. I've been occupied with the VBM on Android [] series. The practices demonstrated in this series though; hugely important ones that will need to be applied once code…

VBM on Android - Ruthless Refactoring

I was looking at the code today to see if I could use the new Moshi 1.4 [] and thought I should poke about to see if there's any obvious changes out the network layer I could/should change.…

VBM on Android: VSTS & Build Agent

I'm working to build an Android App through Visual Studio Team Services [] with the code hosted on GitHub. Pain... I'm going to not write up the long, painful, and unsuccessful time spent trying to use a Windows and Hosted Agent. If…

VBM on Android - Unit Test in Espresso

Much like the post on Appium []; This Espresso post is tied to activities going on at work. This isn't published until long after a decision has been made; but it will serve as my learning so I can participate in the…

Android - StrictMode

Stumbling around some old source code; I found a snippet that used StrictMode [] in the Application#onCreate. It's not anything revolutionary; but it helps in larger and more complex apps to catch simple mistakes. StrictMode never helped much at…

VBM on Android - Initial Appium

Pre-ramble Appium is an excellent tool for testing an app running "for reals". No faking talking to other systems - it has to hit the real stuff. I prefer Appium for this as it forces that separation. It requires the application to be treated as a black box.…

VBM on Android - Retrofit Functional Tests

The first thing I'll do for this post is define my use of Functional Tests. This is something I feel needs to be done because the related type of testing, Integration Tests can easily be swapped for each other. In fact I work with people who use them…