Interface Overloading - TDD Against UI

WTF... ... is interface overloading. Or Overriding. I kinda toggle between the terms. Right now I'm favoring Interface Overloading; so that's what the title is. Interface Overloading Interface overloading is the process I've found in C# and JAVA and Swift to allow TDD when using…

Code Kata - Bowling BlackJack

As an exercise; I'm doing a CodeKata... well... working on extending a code kata via BlackJack. We've done the kata for Bowling. Now we're going to extend it to include BlackJack scoring. BlackJack is a fairly simple game to score. You have points between…

HackerNews Android - Get a Job

The Top Stories apparently can include job postings. I have the StoryAdapter only accepting responses that have the type of "story". We need to build up a path for Jobs because it's in the payload. Well... mostly because it crashes the app when I scroll. Network…

MyThoughts - Requirements Drive Design

A recent comment on the blog had me start to implement a Formatter for the Android HackerNews app. I did work on it and realized quickly that I had no idea what I was doing. Not that I can't code (ehhhh...); I had no requirements driving it. I…

Testing Android - Dialog Testing

When doing TDD, or testing in general, on Android there's a lot of time you'll encounter an exception like the following java.lang.RuntimeException: Method {{METHOD}} in {{FQD.CLASS}} not mocked. See for details. This is just saying that a call…

VBM on Android - Top Stories Item Layout

Making the UI This is what we're starting with: and we'll be looking to improve this and effectively display the information from HackerNews. Let's start this with saying that UI; it's not my thing. I do my creativity in code. I don&…

TDD against Android UI Elements

I've been working very hard to not accept excuses for not having tests on something. I want to be able to TDD as close to 100% of an Android app as possible. I currently have a few areas I need to develop techniques to enable TDDing. One of…

VBM on Android - Top Stories Screen

OK - Looks like we've gotten to the point where building out a UI is gonna be a good next step. We need to know what we want to see to know what app innards to build up. Sure, sure "Top Stories"; but honestly, I have…