

Quinn got hooked on programming in a computer introduction course. For over 20 years, he's never gone more than a couple months without programming something; even while getting a degree in physics. Quinn has always been looking for ways to improve the code he writes, and the code of fellow developers. After being introduced to FAST Agile (http://www.fast-agile.com/), TDD, and XP practices - he's become a vocal advocate for their adoption.
After an opportunity to learn from Object Oriented Programming from Fred George, Quinn has taken these practices to heart.

This blog exists to record experimentation of Object Oriented Programming. Less than a year after glomming onto actual Object Oriented Programming, Quinn coined "MicroObjects" as a development practice consistent of a dozen technical practices.

Speaking, training, and coaching are all things Quinn's picked up while driving adoption of MicroObjects and is always open to opportunities to share the style with other engineers.