µObjects: Unit Testable UI Interactions

This is a follow up to the Hotel Pattern [https://quinngil.com/2017/07/09/the-hotel-pattern-2/] which I've pretty much abandoned, though it's concepts and ideas have evolved into my current practices. It ties into the Interface Overload [https://quinngil.com/2017/05/21/interface-overloading/] mechanism…

My Thoughts: Unit Test - Examples

I got a tweet from boltyk [https://twitter.com/boltyk] on twitter asking about a post on types of unit tests. > https://t.co/bSV7nDcQ4O @TheQuinnGil [https://twitter.com/TheQuinnGil?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] I think I have all kind of unit test levels you described, but can you…

CodedUI Tests and Windows Hello in UWP

Using Visual Studio CodedUI Automated Tests for logging in via Windows Hello / Micrcosoft Passport! We're implementing the ability to use Windows Hello, or Microsoft Passport, to log into our app. The exact mechanism of how we handle credentials isn't important here. As the title suggests, this…

MyThoughts - Requirements Drive Design

A recent comment on the blog had me start to implement a Formatter for the Android HackerNews app. I did work on it and realized quickly that I had no idea what I was doing. Not that I can't code (ehhhh...); I had no requirements driving it. I…