µObjects: Immutability

How To Create Immutability for More Maintainability Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are…

µObjects: No Nulls

Maintainability By Refusing null Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are a number of…

µObjects - What the hell are they?

What is a µObject (micro-object)? It's a tiny object. Not a small object with a single responsibility - A µObject does one thing. Let me show with a simple example. If we have a method with a guard clause and then it does something; say Write "Hello…

UWP HackerNews - Displaying An Item

Since we're now able to TDD up the entire app; showing our wrapped control. Sounds like time to display a story title. I've re-worked the naming; not behavior; of the VBM pattern [https://quinngil.com/2017/01/08/pattern-view-bridge-mediator-2/]. It's now the [Hotel UI…

UWP HackerNews: Network Items

I'm back to the UWP app after not too long of a break; and we really just need to get some things happening. I guess I'm more working to plan out the flow of the project. This is now fairly similar to a project for work…

HackerNews UWP : Getting Some Data

When we last left our brave little app... And if it's trying to be on the windows platform; you know it's indeed brave - It had just configured it's network layer and is looking to expose it to the wider world! I spent a…

Book Review - Elegant Objects Vol 2

Much like Volume 1; Elegant Objects Vol 2 [https://www.amazon.com/Elegant-Objects-2-Yegor-Bugayenko/dp/1534908307/]is fantastic. It didn't impact my mental model of how to develop software as much as Vol 1. This Vol is more about the things that are destructive to the desired programming paradigm…

Book Review - Elegant Objects Vol 1

A colleague brought up Elegant Objects (Vol 1) [https://www.amazon.com/Elegant-Objects-1-Yegor-Bugayenko/dp/1519166915/] by Yegor Bugayenko; suggesting someone read it and see if it's worth while for those looking trying to follow best Object Oriented Programming/Design practices. I can read through books pretty quickly; I…