µObjects: Pizza Shop - More µObjects

We return to our pizza shop to refactor. I like to check out my "TODO" or "Smelly" comments and see what I can clean up. I normally go for "TODO" as most tools have a way to list them for easy access. Visual Studio…

Book Review: Beyond Legacy Code

Read It It's a fantasic book; and you should read it. Beyond Legacy Code [http://beyondlegacycode.com] This is one of the books that will help developers understand the best practices that lead to quality code. I started reading this book a year after I started applying the…

µObjects: Where our code meets the user

There's a couple types of places where the code we write interacts with the code someone else wrote. This could be another team, a 3rd party library, or the operating system. When we interact with these components, we're tying our code to their code in some…

µObjects: Where our code meets their code

There's a couple types of places where the code we write interacts with the code someone else wrote. This could be another team, a 3rd party library, or the operating system. When we interact with these components, we're tying our code to their code in some…

µObjects: Where code meets Operating System

There's a couple types of places where the code we write interacts with the code someone else wrote. This could be another team, a 3rd party library, or the operating system. When we interact with these components, we're tying our code to their code in some…

µObjects: Composition over Inheritance

Inheritance is a code smell. Composition over Inheritance This is a known suggestion to improve the maintainability of software. How does this play into microObjects? Everything has a single responsibility. It's doing A thing; as I talk about in µObjects: Principles to code by [https://quinngil.com/2017/…

µObjects: When to instantiate

In object oriented programming we need to create objects. It's kinda how things get done. Here's a high level question for you - When do we instantiate an object? Pull up a few source files - Where do you see object creation happening? Is it scattered…