µObjects: Pizza Shop - Review

The Pizza Shop The Start [https://quinngil.com/2018/01/07/uobjects-pizza-shop/] More µObjects [https://quinngil.com/2018/01/08/uobjects-pizza-shop-uobjected/] New Requirements [https://quinngil.com/2018/01/09/uobjects-pizza-shop-new-reqs/] Calzoned [https://quinngil.com/2018/01/10/uobjects-pizza-shop-calzoned/] The Final [https://quinngil.com/2018/01/11/uobjects-pizza-shop-final-changes/] I started the…

My Thoughts: Unit Test - Examples

I got a tweet from boltyk [https://twitter.com/boltyk] on twitter asking about a post on types of unit tests. > https://t.co/bSV7nDcQ4O @TheQuinnGil [https://twitter.com/TheQuinnGil?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw] I think I have all kind of unit test levels you described, but can you…

µObjects: Small and Focused

Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are a number of ways that µObjects improve…

µObjects: Principles to code by

How do we improve the quality of code produced by our industry? That's what I want to see happen. It's a young industry which is largely trying to figure out how to produce high quality code. It's fairly effortless to make a computer do…

µObjects: Never see the concrete

Maintainability by never using concrete implementations. Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are a…

µObjects: Encapsulation

Maintainability through limiting change with Encapsulation Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are a…

µObjects: Immutability

How To Create Immutability for More Maintainability Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are…

µObjects: No Nulls

Maintainability By Refusing null Our goal as software developers is to produce code that can be easily maintained. This is frequently a challenge; as writing good code is hard. µObjects is a way of Object Oriented Programming that I've found gives us this. There are a number of…