UWP HackerNews Reader - OOP

The HackerNews Reader app is a project I'm using to practice and beat new concepts into my head. It's not quite proof of concept level - because I understand the concepts; it's a playground of sorts. Originally it was a place to practice TDD…

UWP : Spike The List

NOTE: This was written about a year before posting. Churning I've been putting off working on the UWP app for a while. Part of it is routine change due to summer. The larger part is that I don't really know UI Widgets in UWP well (or…

HackerNews UWP - Partial Item; Not a collection

NOTE: This was written about a year before posting. As mentioned in the last UWP post; we're going to reset a little and get just a single item going through the entire pipe. Losing the idea of Items for now and focus on just an Item and the…

Kata - Game Of Life

NOTE: This was written about a year before posting; months before I stumbled on the MicroObject style. This kata is Conway's Game of Life [http://www.conwaylife.com/w/index.php?title=Conway%27s_Game_of_Life]. It's a simple set of requirements. > The universe…

Design & Development Principles - XP - Quality Circle - Part 2

This is the second post of the Quality Circle. As a reminder; CIRCLES! This post is going to talk about the Green Circle. Another reminder is the tight interconnection between all of the components. Quality Circle The quality circle is what is what I consider the aspects of the day…

Design & Development Principles - XP - Quality Circle - Part 1

As a reminder; CIRCLES! This post is going to talk about the Green Circle. Another reminder is the tight interconnection between all of the components. I posted about the blue Keyboard Circle [https://quinngil.com/2017/04/02/design-development-principles-xp-keyboard-circle/] a while back. It's time to talk about the…

Patterns: Null Object

I've covered never having nulls [https://quinngil.com/2017/10/15/uobjects-no-nulls/] and that's what the NullObject [http://wiki.c2.com/?NullObject] pattern is here to help us with. The NullObject pattern is one that I tried to implement earlier in my career (mostly after reading…

My Thoughts: Pass through vs Base class

A conflict that has come up a few times is using composition and a pass through or a base class I favor pass through; I write it that way Everytime. The other engineer on the project favors a base class. Here's an example of what we've…