Fantasy Grounds Module Maker - It Works

Some friends and I play D&D through Fantasy Grounds. It's a great app, we have a lot of fun playing through it. While we start getting used to it; there's been interest in being able to make custom things. From a couple friends who&…

UWP HackerNews Reader - OOP

The HackerNews Reader app is a project I'm using to practice and beat new concepts into my head. It's not quite proof of concept level - because I understand the concepts; it's a playground of sorts. Originally it was a place to practice TDD…

UWP : Spike The List

NOTE: This was written about a year before posting. Churning I've been putting off working on the UWP app for a while. Part of it is routine change due to summer. The larger part is that I don't really know UI Widgets in UWP well (or…

Kata - Game Of Life

NOTE: This was written about a year before posting; months before I stumbled on the MicroObject style. This kata is Conway's Game of Life []. It's a simple set of requirements. > The universe…

Design & Development Principles - XP - Quality Circle - Part 2

This is the second post of the Quality Circle. As a reminder; CIRCLES! This post is going to talk about the Green Circle. Another reminder is the tight interconnection between all of the components. Quality Circle The quality circle is what is what I consider the aspects of the day…

Design & Development Principles - XP - Quality Circle - Part 1

As a reminder; CIRCLES! This post is going to talk about the Green Circle. Another reminder is the tight interconnection between all of the components. I posted about the blue Keyboard Circle [] a while back. It's time to talk about the…

Technical Practices: Never Return Your Data

No Getters That's the normal form of this technical practice. No Getters There's some uncertainity around what "No Getters" means. OK, there's two versions of it. Yegor Bugayenko in Elegant Objects Vol. 1 [] says, >…

µObjects: Unit Testable UI Interactions

This is a follow up to the Hotel Pattern [] which I've pretty much abandoned, though it's concepts and ideas have evolved into my current practices. It ties into the Interface Overload [] mechanism…