Azure KeyVault and TimeOut

My magic the gathering cards site uses Azure App Configuration with references to Azure KeyVault. A cool thing about this, that I don't set up perfectly, is that the Azure App Config doesn't actually need permissions to the KeyVault. It's just storing references for…

TDD: What's Next?

An unfortunate admission - I'm not doing TDD on the new version of MtgDiscovery. I have excuses. * I'm doing A LOT of experimentation. * I don't have to make sure it works. * I've got a massive ego and assume the shit I do…

Mtg Discovery Adventures

Continuing my adventures with my re-write of the website... The Website. I'm using ASP.NET core6. Basically the same feel as any other website I've started with. Mostly that I hate it. First thing I did was to add localization. It's a…


I may have put a post up about this for V1 of the Mtg Discovery website, but it's bit me in the ass differently, so there's another post. Assuming I wrote one originally. CON has special meaning to Windows. See…

Azure DevOps Output Variables

In my re-writing of my Infrastructure for MtgDiscovery I have a Task Group that I want to get the SystemIdentity for a resource. My plan for this innocuous task was to use output variables. Seems simple. Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Resource.SystemIdentity;isSecret=false;isOutput=true;]$principalId"…

Azure PowerShell vs Azure CLI v2

I'm entirely re-doing my infrastructure for the entirely re-doing of my Magic The Gathering Collection Tracking Site. I did it in powershell the first time, and it works. Mostly. It's clunky and there's some stuff Azure PowerShell can't do. I wrote about…


I'm on vacation!? What the fuck! (Well, I will be, this is being written about 6 weeks in advance) This is the first actual planned vacation vacation I've been on in 5 years. 5 years to the day. (maybe off by 1... or 2) So, instead…

Azure Function Logging

There's a few resources out there about customizing the logging of Azure Functions... but none worked for me. I mean, one worked. This blog post. Even it doesn't SPECIFY the setting, just assumes it'll be inferred. Well... I did. But I'm going…