Code Kata - Bowling BlackJack

As an exercise; I'm doing a CodeKata... well... working on extending a code kata via BlackJack. We've done the kata for Bowling. Now we're going to extend it to include BlackJack scoring. BlackJack is a fairly simple game to score. You have points between…

MyThoughts - Requirements Drive Design

A recent comment on the blog had me start to implement a Formatter for the Android HackerNews app. I did work on it and realized quickly that I had no idea what I was doing. Not that I can't code (ehhhh...); I had no requirements driving it. I…

Design & Development Principles - XP - Keyboard Circle

The Practices I've found 2 images that I think reflect how Extreme Programming approaches software development. These come from different perspectives; which drives their different layout. The first shows the interconnectedness of all of the XP practices. The interconnectedness means that utilizing "some" will not provide…