RabbitMq - First Hops

Get it, "Hops", 'cause "Rabbit". They "hop". HAH! ... I've started writing some code to explore an idea I've had bubbling around for... I think close to two years now. It's undergone a number of iterations, and discussions…

My Thoughts: Slow Tests are Bad Tests

> My tests are slow! They were slow anyway... Part of the Ruthless Refactoring I've been doing while working on the HackerNews App has been to improve the performance of the unit tests. I easily shaved off a second from the tests during the "Clean Architecture"…

My Thoughts: Spike to Refactor

When you're stuck on how to do TDD for a refactor; and can't find the test to drive the refactor you'd like to see; a spike can often help. What I've done are a spike w/o tests to figure out a…

My Thoughts: Android App Development

I'm blogging because I'm not seeing resources that covers the things I've been asked; or that I've worked out myself (like an upcoming post about maintaining Object Encapsulation). I also blog so I can google my brain later for myself or to…

My Thoughts

I assume the general attitude about what I think is, "Shut up already" but... I never listen. :-P I'm looking to do some more frequent small posts, that don't require the level of technical involvement as my a couple of series Android Logger [https:…