Android Logger Refactor- Sin Forgiven

Last we left our hero; unit tests were red. The horrible horrible red bar! faints I believe it was in Kent Beck's TDD book that he recommends ending the work day with a failing test. It gives you an explicit place to start working again the following day.…

Android Logger Refactor - Primitive Extermination

Previously in our Logger Refactor adventure, we extracted a class for logging to System.out. As mentioned; the focus of this part will be performing a similar operation for logging to android.util.Log. (Note: This focus totally didn't happen...) We can revisit the current state of Logger.…

TDD Kata: Bowling Game

A week into the bowling game, the time it's taken me to complete the exercise decreased quite a bit from the first time I did it. Day 1: 60 minutes Day 2: 45 minutes Day 3: 30 minutes Day 4: 26 minutes Day 5: 15 minutes Day one…

Android Logger Refactor - Analysis

This is part 1 of a unknown number of posts going through a wrapper around android.util.Log that I use in a number of projects. My favorite feature of this wrapper is being able to turn off logging while running tests. This particular iteration doesn't turn it…

Pattern: View Bridge Mediator

I've developed my own pattern for the UI presentation. It's evolved from MVVM[1] . Basically; I was implementing MVVM, found some aspects not to my taste; and changed it into something I like. The result of this is a composite pattern I'm calling the…