µObjects - What the hell are they?

What is a µObject (micro-object)? It's a tiny object. Not a small object with a single responsibility - A µObject does one thing. Let me show with a simple example. If we have a method with a guard clause and then it does something; say Write "Hello…

Yegor's Elegant Objects Posts

In Elegant Objects Vol 1 [https://quinngil.com/2017/08/06/book-review-elegant-objects-vol-1/] most chapters have an associated blog post. I've read the book and as clear by my review [https://quinngil.com/2017/08/06/book-review-elegant-objects-vol-1/], I'm a big fan. A lot of co-workers and colleagues…

Book Review - Elegant Objects Vol 2

Much like Volume 1; Elegant Objects Vol 2 [https://www.amazon.com/Elegant-Objects-2-Yegor-Bugayenko/dp/1534908307/]is fantastic. It didn't impact my mental model of how to develop software as much as Vol 1. This Vol is more about the things that are destructive to the desired programming paradigm…

Book Review - Elegant Objects Vol 1

A colleague brought up Elegant Objects (Vol 1) [https://www.amazon.com/Elegant-Objects-1-Yegor-Bugayenko/dp/1519166915/] by Yegor Bugayenko; suggesting someone read it and see if it's worth while for those looking trying to follow best Object Oriented Programming/Design practices. I can read through books pretty quickly; I…