Beneficial Results: Code Reuse

I don't remember exactly where or who, but writing re-usable code was impressed upon me as an important thing I now completely disagree with that. > Do not write reusable code. One of the worst things you can do when writing code is to make it "re-usable&…

Patterns: Null Object

I've covered never having nulls [] and that's what the NullObject [] pattern is here to help us with. The NullObject pattern is one that I tried to implement earlier in my career (mostly after reading…

Book Review: The Nature of Software Development

TL;DR: I loved the book. Go read it. [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past few years working with a team of XP devs who've been using the XP practices for well over a decade each has taught me a lot. These amazing colleagues…

µObjects: Being Cohesive

Cohesion for objects is how well the behaviors in the class belong together. Some very non-cohesive behaviors would be multiplying two numbers and splitting a string. Multiplying and Raising to a power can be very cohesive behaviors. How do µObjects do cohesion? That's what this is about. The…

Book Review: Beyond Legacy Code

Read It It's a fantasic book; and you should read it. Beyond Legacy Code [] This is one of the books that will help developers understand the best practices that lead to quality code. I started reading this book a year after I started applying the…

µObjects: Where our code meets the user

There's a couple types of places where the code we write interacts with the code someone else wrote. This could be another team, a 3rd party library, or the operating system. When we interact with these components, we're tying our code to their code in some…