VBM on Android - Top Stories Full Data

I've thought a bit about my TDD limitations on Android and my discovery of the GoLang-y nature of interfaces. For the TopStoriesAdapter.ViewHolder to be tested; we can create a wrapper for other controls... Now I understand why Android didn't do it originally; performance; TDD was…

TDD against Android UI Elements

I've been working very hard to not accept excuses for not having tests on something. I want to be able to TDD as close to 100% of an Android app as possible. I currently have a few areas I need to develop techniques to enable TDDing. One of…

Design & Development Principles

What is this post? What I'll attempt to lay out here has been said with eloquence that I'll never be able to approach; detailed in ways I will never come up with; and I assume by people who've forgotten more about good software development…