Android Logger Refactor - Objectify

A whole post about getting to the refactoring; what nonsense... Wait... I did that... >.< First thing you gotta ask yourself when refactoring is, "Do I feel lucky?" Well... Do ya? 'Cause if you're feeling lucky; don't worry about unit tests. If…

TagAlong: Appium Setup

NOTE: This is VERY casual writing. Basically; I'm jotting thoughts/steps down kinda haphazardly as I'm going through things. I'm not gonna clean this one up. If I feel like basing a heavy article on it; I will; but here - Pffft; deal with…

TDD Kata: Bowling Game

A week into the bowling game, the time it's taken me to complete the exercise decreased quite a bit from the first time I did it. Day 1: 60 minutes Day 2: 45 minutes Day 3: 30 minutes Day 4: 26 minutes Day 5: 15 minutes Day one…

Android Logger Refactor - Analysis

This is part 1 of a unknown number of posts going through a wrapper around android.util.Log that I use in a number of projects. My favorite feature of this wrapper is being able to turn off logging while running tests. This particular iteration doesn't turn it…

Pattern: View Bridge Mediator

I've developed my own pattern for the UI presentation. It's evolved from MVVM[1] . Basically; I was implementing MVVM, found some aspects not to my taste; and changed it into something I like. The result of this is a composite pattern I'm calling the…


As I find and work through new Kata's to use at TDD Kata's I'll write up my version of the kata here. I expect most will be similar to the source I find; and I don't expect any to be original. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------…

Doing Katas

I never quite understood the practicality of Code and TDD Katas. The idea behind a kata is that you do it over and over and over... Until you can do it in your sleep. "Why would I want to code tic-tac-toe a thousand times over?" "Why build…

Obvious Implementation

I've been studying TDD and XP for only 6 months. I'm totally on board with the practices, just struggle sometimes. :) I'm sitting waiting for an oil change to finish and reading Kent Beck's "Test Driven Development" and it calls out…