This is my wishlist for Magic the Gathering sets (and cards). Prices based off a few sites.
This site seems to have a pretty good selection for the sets.
This one tends to have fewer sets, but guaranteed high quality.
(Ignore any sets or cards that say "Foil", they are stupid expensive and not what I'm targeting)
Individual Cards
- (I typically this site for my singles)
- Revised Edition (needed to complete the set)
- $250 - Bayou
- $150 - Savannah
- $120 - Scrubland
- $150 - Taiga
- $250 - Tundra
- $400 - Underground Sea
- $400 - Volcanic Island
Core Sets (Ordered by Release Date)
- $INFINITY: Limited Edition Alpha
- $INFINITY: Limited Edition Beta
- $INFINITY: Unlimited Edition
- $175 - Classic Sixth Edition
- $145 - Seventh Edition
- $100 - Eigth Edition
- $375 - Ninth Edition
- $150 - Tenth Edition
- $240 - Magic 2010
- $200 - Magic 2012
- $180 - Magic 2014
Expansion Sets (Ordered by Release Date)
- Arabian Nights
- Antiquities
- Legends
- The Dark
- $100 - Urza's Legacy
- Nemesis
- $100 - Prophecy
- $150 - Invasion
- $100 - Planeshift
- Apocalypse
- $130 - Odyssey
- $100 - Torment
- $100 - Judgment
- Onslaught
- $100 - Legions
- Scourge
- $500 - Mirrodin
- Darksteel
- Fifth Dawn
- $550 - Champions of Kamigawa
- $230 - Betrayers of Kamigawa
- Saviors of Kamigawa
- Ravnica: City of Guilds
- Guildpact
- Dissension
- Coldsnap
- Future Sight
- Lorwyn
- Morningtide
- Shadowmoor
- Eventide
- $280 - Shards of Alara
- $230 - Conflux
- $300 - Alara Reborn
- $800 - Zendikar
- Worldwake
- Rise of the Eldrazi
- $650 - Scars of Mirrodin
- $380 - Mirrodin Besiedged
- $350 - New Phyrexia
- $150 - Gatecrash
- $150 - Theros
- $120 - Journey into Nyx
- $150 - Khans of Tarkir
- $100 - Fate Reforged
- $130 - Dragons of Tarkir
- $230 - Hour of Devastation
- $150 - Ixalan
- $150 - Rivals of Ixalan
- $250 - Guilds of Ravnica
- $160 - Ravnica Allegiance
Special Sets (Ordered by Release Date)
- $100 - Anthologies
- $450 - Modern Horizons
- $300 - Portal
- Portal Second Age
- Portal Three Kingdoms
- $400 - Starter 1999
- Starter 2000
- Modern Masters
- Modern Masters 2015
- $600 - Eternal Masters
- Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- Iconic Masters
- $1000 - Ultimate Masters
- $1500 - Collector's Edition
- Unhinged
- Masters Edition
- Masters Edition II
- Masters Edition III
- Masters Edition IV
- Vintage Masters
- Tempest Remastered